i had the weird experience of discovering that she was biologically a he 意味

  • 彼女が生物学的には男だと発見するという異様な経験をした


        he or she or they and i or we:    he or she or they and I or we 彼我 ひが
        he or she:     he or she 1 ?he or she . he or she 2 [hí??(r)?í?] 【代】 ((正式))[everybody,nobodyなどの不定代名詞,person,readerなどの性別不特定の語を総称的に受けて] (その)人《◆従来のheの代用語;時にshe or heともいう;?he ,?they ,he/she,s/he》.
        he/she:    {代名} : 彼または彼女は[が]
        she he:    {名} :
        she or he:     she or he 1 ?she or he . she or he 2 [?í??(r)hí?] 【代】 ((正式)) [不定代名詞everybodyなどを受けて] (その)人《◆従来のheの代用語; ?he or she 》.
        she-he:    {名} : 〈米俗〉女みたいな男、女装{じょそう}した男、ホモ(差別語)おかま(差別語)
        she/he:    {代名} : 彼女または彼 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【発音】∫i':э(r)hi':
        he said, she said:    {映画} : 彼の言い訳?彼女の言い訳◆米1991
        she hadの縮約形:    she'd
        who's he she, etc. when he's at home:     Whó's he [she, etc.] when he's [she's,etc.] at hóme? ((略式))(人の名前を聞き返して)その人はいったいだれのこと? いったい何者だ.
        he said she said scenario:    彼は言った彼女{かのじょ}は言ったの水掛け論{みずかけろん}◆実際にはクォーテーションを使って "he said she said" scenario と表記する
        discovering:    {形} : 発見する
        have had that experience oneself:    自分{じぶん}もそう感じた[思った]、自分{じぶん}もそのような体験{たいけん}[経験{けいけん}]をした
        what one had in this experience:    この体験{たいけん}[経験{けいけん}]で味わったこと
        he hadの縮約形:    he'd


  1. "i had the sensation of being borne aloft on somebody's shoulders" 意味
  2. "i had the sensation that this had all happened before in another time and place" 意味
  3. "i had the startling realization that…" 意味
  4. "i had the strength of mind to resist this temptation" 意味
  5. "i had the time of my life" 意味
  6. "i had the word on the tip of my tongue" 意味
  7. "i had then only a hazy idea of how i should treat the subject" 意味
  8. "i had thirty men under my command" 意味
  9. "i had thought it had expired but i now learn that my library card is still valid" 意味
  10. "i had the strength of mind to resist this temptation" 意味
  11. "i had the time of my life" 意味
  12. "i had the word on the tip of my tongue" 意味
  13. "i had then only a hazy idea of how i should treat the subject" 意味

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